Christopher Donner is an assistant professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at Fayetteville State University, and teaches a variety of courses including Law Enforcement, Statistics, Criminal Courts, and Criminological Theory. In his first year, Dr. Donner was awarded the department's annual scholarship award for research productivity. Professor Donner holds a doctorate in criminology from the University of South Florida, and bachelors and masters degrees in criminal justice from the University of Cincinnati. His main research interest is focused in American law enforcement, and his dissertation examined police misconduct among a multi-agency sample of police supervisors. Under the direction of Dr. Lorie Fridell, he worked on the National Police Research Platform, a series of longitudinal studies of police personnel. Throughout this project, Dr. Donner worked closely with policing scholars and practitioners to produce translational research. Before pursuing his doctorate, he worked in the criminal justice field for two years as a Pre-Trial Officer for the Hamilton County (OH) Municipal Court. Dr. Donner is a member of the American Society of Criminology, and his work has been published in multiple peer-review journal outlets, such as the Journal of Criminal Justice, the American Journal of Criminal Justice, and Police Quarterly.